Peace Generation Indonesia, or Peacegen, social enterprise that works on Peace Education. We focus on Peace Education Development Training, Peace Learning Media Development, campaign and activate peace content. We are committed to promoting peace through creative and playful media.
About Peacegen

What is Peace Generation?
Our Story
Founded in 2007 by two men from vastly different backgrounds but with a common passion, Peace Generation Indonesia serves a key role in promoting peace through creative media. Irfan Amalee, an Indonesian Muslim, has been involved in media creation and publishing for ten years, and Eric Lincoln, an American Christian, has been a teacher and a drug prevention counselor in Chicago US for many years. Despite their different backgrounds, Irfan and Eric shared a common interest in promoting peace and bridging the gap between different communities through peaceful relationships amongst the younger generation because many violent conflicts are started through a lack of understanding.
Problem We Address
In the national and regional context, Indonesia has several inter-religious conflicts such as the Muslim-Christian conflicts in Ambon and Poso where many people were killed resulting in trauma and devastating effects on social and economic life. In the last decade, Indonesia also has faced the issue of terrorism caused by an increase in radical Islamic movements. Apart from the religious conflict, according to data from Indonesia Children Protection Commission there are 780,000 cases of violence every year in schools all over Indonesia.
Solution We Offer
It is very rare that organizations become concerned about providing peace education materials. After considering this fact, the Peace Generation focused its work on developing creative peace education materials for use in schools and community groups. Through a partnership with one of the largest Muslim publishers in Indonesia and aid organizations, the modules were widely implemented. The peace program was first implemented in the Indonesian province of Aceh where conflict had been occurring for years when UNICEF invited Peace Generation to train their workers. Strong recommendations by national Muslim leaders and the Department of Education plus positive media coverage and several awards have thrust Peace Generation into the limelight. Currently, more than 30,000 people have learned peace education modules in four different countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Australia.
Our Belief
Peace Generation believes that conflict prevention is as important as conflict resolution in making peace in the world since the latest data shows that 90% of current conflicts are a reoccurrence of previous conflicts and only 10% are actually new conflicts. This data indicates that most conflicts are passed from generation to generation.
Vision & MIssion
Our Vision
We envision the world where every child and youth can learn and practice peace ad empathy.
Our Mission
We will enable every child and youth to learn peace and empathy by equipping educators with peace education creative media.
12 Basic Values of Peace
Visit Our Channel!
Our Team

Irfan Amalee
Co-Founder; Executive Director

Eric Lincoln

Maulana M. Syuhada
Project Coordinator

Dewi Lestari
FInance Coordinator

She was born in Kuningan, July 1, 1995. She graduated from Padjadjaran University's Accounting major in 2017
Currently, Dewi is working as the Finance Coordinator at PeaceGeneration Indonesia, responsible for all financial processes from financial planning to decision-making for institutional management.
Besides working, Dewi is also active as a content creator on Instagram (deewhy_lestari) and on YouTube (deewhy lestari). She is also active as a volunteer and as a student at the Sekolah Rekonsiliasi Bandung.
You can contact Dewi via email [email protected]

Qorry Aina
HR Officer

Lindawati Sumpena
Project Coordinator

Miftahul Huda
Project Coordinator

Ani Farhani
Project Assistant

Ginan Aulia Rahman
Communications Coordinator

Azhar Muhammad Akbar
Project Officer

Jawad Mughofar KH
Project Coordinator

Suka Prayanta Pandia
Project Officer

Together with the team to produce Agent of Peace in Indonesia, namely people who learn the Value of Peace from Peacegen and want to teach it to others.
In addition, encouraging the improvement of the quality of AoP with trainings, online learning and continuing to make efforts to facilitate AoP so that it can have an impact on families and communities.

Mela Rusnika
Media Officer

Adriana Anjani
Partnership Officer

Nurhayati Syafii
Project Officer; AOP Coordinator

Besides Peace Generation, she gets involved in School of Reconciliation as a facilitator for SEKOCI or Sekolah Cinta (School of Love). The spirit of this class is like Peace Genaration that is how one self can make peace within and love her/himself very well from their wounded history.
To contact Hayati, please reach her through [email protected] or 0821-2976-3085

Annisa Fitria
Project Officer

Jeremia Bonifasius Manurung
Project Officer

Utami Nurhasanah
Editor In Chief

Astrid Allisha Pulubuhu
Graphic Designer

Pertiwi Sopiani
Graphic Designer

Mulia Anzalni
Graphic Designer

Rieke Maryunani
Graphic Designer

Rieke graduated from Multimedia DKV ITB. Just like any DKV students, Rieke enjoys anything related to Pop Culture. She has many interests in various things, such as anthropology, astronomy, culture, music, language, fashion, ball-jointed dolls, which seems like too many. On weekends, she usually bikes or joins karate.
Apart from that, Rieke is also happy to learn many languages. If you want to chat with her, you can use Indonesian, English, German, Japanese, Sundanese, or Javanese by contacting her at [email protected]. You can talk about anything to her! Thank you!

Semara Rasmarani Agustino
Motion & Graphic Designer

Shafira Rolibah Putri
Finance Officer

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Annisa Addeth Thiany
Finance Officer
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![[Foto] Addeth](

Ismi Danti Nopianti
Finance Officer

Samrotul Mufidah
Internal Support Coordinator

Irfan Nur Hakim
Senior Trainer

Nenden Vinna Mutiara
Training Coordinator

Fadlan Fau
Operational Officer

Tio Reza Muchtar
IT Support Officer

Training Assistant

Our Partners

International Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2008
UAJY Multiculturalism Award 2008
Hahn & Karpf Peace Award 2011 , Brandeis University, USA
500 Most Influential Muslim, RISSC Jordan 2011-2012
Wirausaha Muda Kreatif, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif 2012
Pena Award 2014
Ashoka Fellowship 2017
Top 6 ASEAN Social Impact Award 2017
Most Innovative C’PVE Program, Convey UNDP-PPIM 2018
Indika Energy Award 2018
Best Islamic Story Books IKAPI 2019
Australia Global Alumni Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019