Accepting Yourself is the Key to Making Peace with Yourself – Newsletter #18

Menerima Diri adalah Kunci Berdamai dengan Diri Sendiri
Illustration: cupoftiw_
Accepting yourself: Rhaska has always kept her identity hidden. That is because Rhaska is worried about the negative perceptions of her religious beliefs.
However, at the Peace Camp held in Makassar, Rhaska dared to reveal her identity for the first time openly. Rhaska felt safe and welcome.

“I would like to say thank you for accepting me and my identity as an Ahmadiyah follower. It’s the first time I have accepted attention and appreciation. I feel  quite welcome and have decided to start acknowledging my own background,” said Rhaska to Teh Nenden, PeaceGen trainer.

Rhaska was one of 35 participants at Peace Camp held by PeaceGen Indonesia and PeaceGen Makassar. The participants learned the 12 Basic Values of Peace through creative media, including videos, podcasts, online learning, modules, and value of accepting yourself. Also, they trained to be an agent of peace that was capable of campaigning to their peers.

From Makassar to Bali, 50 survivors from bombings in Bali participated in the Self Love training organized by PeaceGen in collaboration with the Witness and Victim Protection Agency. The Bali Bombing incident, which occurred 19 years ago, leaves scars and trauma.

In the Self Love training, we invite participants to make peace with themselves, accepting yourself, and move towards a more peaceful future. At the end of the event, several participants specifically said that after nearly twenty years of carrying wounds, they felt more optimisti for the first time.

The Self Love training is a continuous program of collaboration between K-Hub and Witness and Victim Protection Agency in commemorating the 19th anniversary of the Bali Bombings.

Those are two PeaceGen’s activities throughout October. In addition, other agendas are no less attractive. For example, the Breaking Down the Wall programs series held an Education Webinar that invited 4 AoP Educators to share their good practices in implementing the 12 Basic Values of Peace in schools. Also, the Frosh program is currently processing the recruitment of Frosh Mentors at UPI and ITB.


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