BPW Day 3: Peace and Conflict Reconciliation

On the third day, this is about Peace and Conflict Reconciliation. Expertise are invited to speak on this theme where they have applied a model where we can learn from.

The first one is Vitono Haralu from Nagaland (India). Ms. Vitono works in Youth, Children, Community and Peace fields in 18 districts with 9 districts as their priorities areas.

Ms. Vitono’s mentioned that young people are capable, efficient, and hardworking but need vision, direction.

She continued the talk with a question. What does peace, conflict and resolution means? We need to break down first, what kind of peace we are talking about.

Peace is an outcome of conflict resolution, if you have 2 confronting parties and they choose to settle down, that is peace.

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The are 2 different categories: Being realist and being idealist and they facing with conflict which already exist since 70 years ago conflict.

Emphasize more on change starts with me, peace starts with me. The most important thing to create change and make a safe environment for people to join on board.

Speaking about women and peace also conflict situation, they are also a sister, a daughter, a friend etc., finding the purpose is important, it needs a holistic approach of peace, including many stakeholders like politics, community, youth, children.

Next was watching short movie “Humming Bird”

It is about huge forest being consumed by fire where animals come out and forest is burning, they are powerless expect the humming bird. He did the small steps, he reached river, little by little while other just watched him since they thought the humming bird too small to make a difference. But the humming bird still stand strong and he said “I am doing the best that I can”.

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By this video we can learn that we may feel insignificant, but the most important thing is we need to do the best that we can.

The last speaker is Noor Huda Ismail. He started with giving us “creepy background” why he involved in peace-related activities because one of his roommate in dorm became the Bali Bombing terrorist. And so realizing the fact, then he got the call to work on encountering radicalism and terrorism by making film. In doing this, he spoke that he used this:

  • An approach of 3 H: Head (logic), Hand (energy) and Heart
  • Channeling the energy of terrorist from negative to positive activities
  • Build his own institute and helps 35 people. He simply wants the same hope and opportunity for the ex-terrorist
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His movies such Prison and Paradise (2011), about Bom Bali, Jihad Selfie (2016) and Seeking the Imam (2019). All these movies covered the story of terrorist and beyond.
