Building Peace by Protecting the Environment – Newsletter #16

Building peace
Ilustration: cupoftiw_

Building peace and protecting the environment is not only about theory, but also about sharing  field experiences and practices”

The Pakubumi Kingdom is in uproar because the cows in Pakubumi have died suddenly.

The king of Pakubumi gathered his guards, commanders, and people. Around 500 people gathered from West Java (Bandung Raya and Cimahi), Jakarta, East Java, Central Java, and North Sumatra.

They came together to embark on an adventure to save Pakubumi. For five days, all the people were on a mission to gather intel, ideas, and wisdom from the teachers in order to solve the problem.

This story is an excerpt from the Life with HOPE event, a webinar series that discussed building peace and the environment. This event, organized by PeaceGen and EcoCamp, was well-packaged and becomes an epic adventure.

The committee acts as royals, the presenters act as the teachers who provide knowledge, and the participants play the role of the people.

Life with HOPE : The Journey From Ego to Eco

The event started with the screening of the film, Diary of Cattle, a documentary about cows scavenging for food in landfills.

The documentary film, by David Darmadi and Lidia Afrilita, makes the participants aware of one side of the waste problem that not a lot of people know about.

Then the teachers gave material about how to building peace and the environment. The materials not only provided insight, but the teachers also shared their experience in the field of protecting the environment.

The Life with HOPE is a webinar series that concluded HOPE’s journey over the past year. After the success of Sociopreneur Academy and Mind Body and Soul, HOPE continues to innovate in presenting creative programs around peace and the environment.

Apart from the HOPE program, PeaceGen also held several other programs during August.

Click the button below to read more PeaceGen’s latest report.

Baca Juga  Newsletter #5 - July 2020