K-Hub Fellowship: 28 Peace NGOs Sharpen Their Skills in Composing Data into Stories – Newsletter #22

K-Hub Fellowship

There were two people chopping wood. One continues to work without a break, and the other seems to be taking breaks.

Interestingly, people who take a break are more productive. That is because their work is far more productive than workers who continue to work without taking a break. That’s an illustration of why the K-Hub Fellowship was held. But why is taking a break more productive?

The secret is people take a break to sharpen the saw. Meanwhile, those who work without rest continue to work and do not realize that the saw is dull. No matter how hard he works, the results will not be optimal without the support of a sharp saw.

Steven Covey adopted the principle of sharpening saws in his legendary book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This story describes hard work versus intelligent work. Unfortunately, hard work does not always mean maximum results. We don’t realize that our productivity is decreasing, not because we are not working hard.

The effectiveness of our work drops due to the fact that the tools we use are dull. That’s where we need to take a break to take another look at our skillset and toolset. First, ensure all instruments are working correctly.

Sharpen Skill in Composing Data into Stories at the K-Hub Fellowship

”Sharpening the saw” was happening by the 28 organizations in the K-Hub Fellowship. This event was held by the K-Hub Preventing Violence Extremism Community led by PeaceGen. In this event, the representatives of CSO (Civil Society Organization) honed their skills in technology and data.

In the first session, Dr. Ismail Fahmi invited participants to review how valuable data is in reading reality. With Drone Emprit capable of mapping conversations in the digital world, we can see the flow of themes and trends. Without this mapping capability, CSO’s work can lose context.

Rahadian, in the next session, encouraged participants to challenge assumptions with data. The former Deputy Editor in Chief of Lokadata gave some examples of cases where general assumptions turned out to be wrong when faced with data.

In addition to insight into how valuable data is, the participants also had the opportunity to sharpen their saws in technical terms in the form of exercises from this event. Husein Abdusalam, a video producer from Narasi, gave some ideas and examples of audio-visual media data processing in various forms.

Nadya Zahra Noor, a designer from Tirto, shared knowledge and tips on package data in attractive infographics. No less interesting, Mawa Kresna from Project Multatuli invited participants to dig up information from primary sources that not many people know.

With the saw-sharpening process guided directly by experts in the field, we hope that CSOs can be sharper in their work to prevent violent extremism. 

Excellent at extracting data, processing it, and presenting it in a keen, attractive, and strong interest. So that CSO’s incredible work in this sector will have a more tangible impact, good practices will become more attractive, data will tell more stories.

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