Newsletter #8 – November 2020

Stephen Covey tells the story of two people sawing wood. One sawed continuously, while the other took breaks and sharpened his saw. It turned out that the second person was much more productive. Although the first person spends more time working, his result is not as great. This is because he didn’t realize that the saw he was using was getting dull.

Baca Juga  Newsletter #7 - October 2020

During this pandemic we have the opportunity to sharpen our chainsaws. Take a little pause to analyze, sharpen strategies and create various innovations that will help us be better.

That’s what we’ve been trying to do the last few months. During last October, PeaceGen helped BNPT produce a knowledge hub platform that will become a space for synergy and collaboration between various stakeholders in the P/CVE sector. Moreover, through ICD Program, PeaceGen also helped teachers, especially in Islamic boarding schools to hone their chainsaws, by organizing several teacher trainings related to skills that must be mastered by 21st century educators.

Baca Juga  1,200 Educators and 28 CSOs Sharpen 21st Century Skills to Build Peace and Prevent Violent Extremism - Newsletter #23

We are also happy to welcome our youngest member of the PeaceGen’s family, namely PeaceGen Riau Chapter, on last October. Find out more about our activities in October by reading the latest newsletter below.