Breaking Down the Walls


The rise of social tension and conflict in the last decade has increasingly caused many problems, ranging from different political choices, ethnicity, religion, social status and even gender inequality.

Violence and intolerance in Indonesia reinforce the high price of tolerance and peace in diversity. At the age of 12 years, PeaceGen continues to be a part of the winds of peace and change, especially in strengthening the attitude of tolerance and building trust to break the barriers and create space for dialogue. In Bandung, Two different schools are committed to maintaining peace by visiting and learning about the 12 Basic Values ​​of Peace and creating a culture of a compassionate school. Christian and Islamic Junior high schools in Bandung have implemented the Breaking Down the Walls program to talk about peace and becoming Agent of Peace.

Breaking Down the Walls (BDW) is a program by PeaceGen to bring two different communities from different background together to learn, listen and create safe space for dialogues to build trust and break prejudices to initiate peace. Various activities such as playing board games for peace, cultural arts and sports performances have brought together these two different schools and communities in Indonesia.

For they year 2019-2020 BDW program will be implemented in Solo and Palu by the Agent of Peace Chapter Solo and Sulteng. The Program will be a collaboration for 2 schools [Islamic and Christian School]. Chapter Solo will be collaborating with SMP Muhammadiyah and SMP Regina Pacis Ursulin Solo while in Palu, the collaboration between SMA Muhammadiyah and Christian school [SMAK GKST Imanuael] Palu, Central Sulawesi.

Written by Miftahul Huda