Indonesian Peace Generation Social Media Strategy In Campaigning For The Values Of Peace

Resa Rosanti, Feliza Zubair, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha
Universitas Padjadjaran

ABSTRACT – Technological advances is accelerating and it causes changes in various things. One of the impacts of technological advances is the rapid use of the internet. Instagram is a social media platform that is currently loved by the public. The aim of this study is determine the situation setting, goal setting, the target of audience, strategy, tactics, timeline, and budget on Peace Generation Indonesia social media Instagram. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the determination of the situation that is currently various things are all advancing towards digital including the delivery of messages, as well as the rise of radical social media accounts. In setting the goal is to campaign for the values of peace to the public. The target audience set is the generation of millennials with an age range of 17-38 years in big cities. The strategies used are community engagement, Agent of Peace (AoP), special events, and social media activation. The tactics used start from identifying problems in the field, discussing with the Creative and Communications Team, design, and uploading content. The suggestion of this research is that in-depth research should be conducted, setting short, medium and long-term goals, conducting research specifically on the target audience to be targeted, being able to utilize influencers or buzzers, using KPI (Key Performance Indicators), more frequently interacting with followers, creating a timeline for uploading content on Instagram social media, and making a special budget for social media.

Keyword: Instagram, Strategy, Social Media Planning, Peace Generation Indonesia.

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