Newsletter #10 – February 2021

As we enter into 2021, many educators hope that the storm will soon pass. Things will return to normal. If you think so, get ready to be disappointed.

First, we don’t know when the storm will pass. Second, even when the storm has passed, the face of education will never return to what it used to be. If educators refuse to change, then educators and schools will be adrift in the middle of the ocean without any direction.

Baca Juga  Successfully Overcoming the Big Storm in 2021, PeaceGen is More Optimistic in 2022 - Newsletter #20

Over the past 6 months, PeaceGen and Indika Foundation have designed shipping maps for 21st century teachers. Together with several teachers, we have compiled the 12 Basic Values of Peace modules, critical thinking and empathy, which are integrated into the subjects of Islamic Education, Civic Education, and Counseling service.

Last January, around 150 teachers of various ages, selected from a total of 713 registrants from Aceh to Maluku, were chosen to sail with us for a week. Now equipped with new pirate skills, these twenty-first century educators are ready to take a new route!

Baca Juga  1,200 Educators and 28 CSOs Sharpen 21st Century Skills to Build Peace and Prevent Violent Extremism - Newsletter #23

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