Newsletter #7 – October 2020

For the first time since the pandemic broke out in March, I feel like I am “flying” again. By following a number of health protocols, in early September my team and I trained around 135 teachers in Sumenep, Madura and Malang Regency, East Java. The anxiety surrounding the pandemic is overcome by the call to share knowledge about creative learning strategies and positive discipline with educators there, with educators there. These educational values have started to “go out of style” as schools undergo Distance Learning.

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In addition to the Ayo Main! Program in September, PeaceGen also celebrated International Peace Day with people around the world, by holding Bandung Peace Week for a whole week. We held a series of webinars which included 18 speakers from 6 countries. These webinars were attended by a total of 2,642 viewers from 13 cities in Indonesia. This event was a collaboration between PeaceGen and IoFC and involved 26 organizations including chapters and Agent of Peace clubs in various regions. Learn more about our activities in September by reading the newsletter below.

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