Successfully Overcoming the Big Storm in 2021, PeaceGen is More Optimistic in 2022 – Newsletter #20

Messages of peace
Illustration by: cupoftiw_

Messages of peace that PeaceGen’s spread this year was not easier than last year. The storm hasn’t passed yet. Even in the middle of the year, it reached its peak. As the storm began to subside, the darkest point had passed,  a ray of light shone brightly at the far end.

… However, hurricanes always leave behind three groups: First, those who drowned, we haven’t been able to save—second, those who managed to escape but stumbled with the remnants of strength. Third, survivors that became more decisive and mature. Which one do we belong to? We will see the answer in how we live during and after this storm.

In 2021, during a significant storm, PeaceGen strived to dance to the rhythm of the waves. As a result, the map designed before the voyage has had to compromise with wind direction that is not always desired.

PeaceGen has recorded 21 activities during the storm in the past 12 months. These programs reached 9,037 beneficiaries: teachers, students, communities, and the government.

This figure does not include the 1500 teachers we trained in the diversity module under the Ministry of Education and Culture. PeaceGen was involved in doing the module and training the trainers. So, the total PeaceGen beneficiaries this year reached almost 11,000 people. This figure is above last year’s achievement, which reached 10,383 beneficiaries.

In social media, messages of peace spread through PeaceGen’s Instagram reaching 50.3 thousand followers with 4.8 million impressions. Although PeaceGen’s Instagram growth is far below last year’s, PeaceGen’s other channels, including K-Hub, HOPE, and Keluarga Salam, have doubled in terms of impressions. In addition, PeaceGen consistently published a monthly newsletter that was opened 2,864 times last year, with an open rate of 19%.

PeaceGen’s core business, which is engaged in creative media for peace, has produced 23 modules, 33 videos, 47 podcasts, and 700 graphics used as peace learning media. In addition, the Ministry of Education officially uses several PeaceGen learning media to train teachers in diverse material.

This year begins with new energy from the election of PeaceGen as Kick Andy Heroes 2021. This year also closes sweetly and full of optimism with the release of the single Aku Baru in collaboration with PeaceGen with Bondan Prakoso and Rhaya Flick.

The song Aku Baru, which is part of the Frosh program in promoting empathy and critical thinking, also becomes a kind of encouragement for PeaceGen in wading through the waves during a storm and living a post-hurricane life that is no less challenging.

Click the button below to read more PeaceGen’s latest report.

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